My political views


The way i evaluate policies is to look at what will actually work out long-term for humanity as a whole. I do believe that every consciousness is eternal and that our current lives are just one of infinitely many. I hope that the life i am currently living on earth will not be the only one.

So fundamentally i do not actually believe in things like liberty, equality or democracy as goal of themselves. I prefer an unequal society if the average quality of life is higher, note that "quality of life" also includes people also being happy with how the country is governed, it's not just about material assets.


Societal survival of the fittest
I believe that the competition between societies will push states to implement increasingly inhumane policies in order to remain competitive. That can be people (mostly males) being forced into military service or females being forced to make babies so the state can later have more cannon fodder in wars.

Sates will also be pushed to neglect the environment in favor of remaining competitive since crippling your own economy with green policies will make it a lot easier for other states to invade you (making those green policies almost counter-productive).

This will continue until we have a stable world government.

It's only when we are in control of a world government that we can start to properly actually make society better long-term for humanity instead of having to constantly choose between what's comfortable in the moment and what will make society competitive against other competing states.


It's pretty obvious that authoritarian governance has a lot better potential than democratic governance and that over time there will be convergence towards authoritarianism.

I expect all democratic states to eventually be conquered or transform into authoritarian states from within due to democracy being inherently unstable.

If democracy isn't going to work anyway our focus should be to maximize the chance of good people ending up with the power rather than the worst.

Unfortunately i cannot think of anyh particular reliable way to actually end up with good people at the top when democracy ends, seems like luck will be required for that.


The value of someones well-being shouldn't be dictated by chromosomes or birth sex
Policy should not be centered around just one of the sexes ignoring around half of the population.

But i am worried about males becoming largely obsolete once they are no longer needed as cannon fodder i wars or as workers to support the economy.

One radical approach is to replace the Y chromosome with an engineered chromosome, this may allow humanity to share the same chromosomes (XZ) instead of today where most people have XX or XY (rare intersex exception exists of course).

Until we are there we have to resort to other tools such as medical transition to allow people to live better lives as females.

People being able to transition and transcend nature is a very important step in the right direction. By going against the "natural biology" (whatever that is) we can allow people to live better lives instead of for example slowly dying of cancer.

It's here important to recognize that gender roles are in fact biological and not merely a social construct, for that reason we have to look for medical solution to fix the biology itself rather than merely trying to change social norms.


Having people live great lives early on

We need to focus more on the wellbeing on young people and deprioritize the elderly, for that we need to abandon democracy in general or at least severely restrict voting past the age of 45.


Not having to wait to like 25 to have sex
Having a strong sex drive from puberty but being unable to actually have any sexual experiences until say 25 is very much not a good experience and also not something we need people to go through in the first place.

We need to have social structure and laws that does allow people to have good sexual experiences early in life instead of people having bad experiences or remaining celibate.

People should not have to worry about getting an STD or going to jail because the your girlfriend was only 15 years and 11 months old with AoC being 16 (common in western countries). Those AoC laws are based on what's politically popular at the time completely ignoring the bad consequences they have especially on young people.

high age of consent laws are often justified using pseudoscience "the brain isn't fully developed until 25".

Reality: teens are very much able to make decisions for themselves

If anything people tend to get dumber as the age past the age of 25 but we do not see laws making it rape to have sex with an elderly female or someone who is simply dumb.

Sex is a natural human need from puberty and people should be able to experience that at least from age 14 (if not earlier).

I do not see much problems with having significant age differences in relationships (such as age 14 and 30) besides the general concern of young males ending up sex-less due to females of their age opting for older males.

People should also be able to become parents early in life and be supported by society at large for it. This is especially important for females since early pregnancy reduced the breast-cancer risk.