Awesome card games


No Limit texas Hold'Em
This is arguably the number one card game of all time in terms of being simple, very difficult (if not impossible) to master and appealing to humans.

Unfortunately this game has been analyzed to death via solvers and other tools, still it is being played a lot today.

The issue with the game being easy to solve could maybe be fixed by scapping the blind-system and instead just have people pay antes into the pot (which can be position dependent). With antes only everyone could potentially see the flop for free.

Max players = 23

pot limit: none


Pot Limit Omaha
This is still not as popular as texas holdem but it is very popular at the higher stakes due to being significantly harder to solve.

In PLO you hold 4 cards of which 2 will be selected for a hand, this will be combined with 3 from the table (of 5). Betting is limited to the size of the pot.

While this is still a relatively simple game it is flawed in the sense that betting has to be artificially limited due to starting hands being too close in equity.

max players = 11

pot limit: 100%


Best of 3 omaha
Its like normal omaha except now there will be 3 (flop, turn, river) meaning you end up with 3 hands and if you have the best hand for 2 of 3 you will always will the entire hand pot.

For each set of 5 community cards you select3 combined with 2 cards from your own hand to make the best possible 5 set of cards "partial hand".

Your hand is considered better than someone else's hand if you win more comparisons than you lose (such as 1 win and 2 draws).

When more than 2 players remain for the pot
You compare the player against each. You get +1 for having better hand than someone else still left for the pot and -1 for having worse hands than someone else left for the pot. Then the pot goes to the player with the most points, split if equal.

Let's look at the following example with the community cards


Holecards0: KJ87
Holecards1: AQ32
Holecards2: TT98
Holecards3: KK93

Hand0 beats Hand2
Hand1 beats Hand0 and Hand3
Hand2 beats Hand1
Hand3 beats Hand0 and hand2

Here Hand1 and Hand3 will split the pot.

Hand0: Royal Flush, 3 of a kind with K high, straight 8 high.
Hand1: Full house with triple A, 3 of a kind with A high, A high flush.
Hand2: 4 of a kind, Full house with T pair, pair of T.
Hand3: 2pair, Full house with K pair, K high flush.


8 card poker
The following scoring system can be used when selecting 8 card out of 11 (version 98):


This is the best scoring system i have been able to come up with so far. I have tested this with other people and it works just fine, no need for any further changes. The is fun to play and i prefer playing it over other poker games.

See attachment "pokwer8_98" for more details.




No limit stud
5 cards out of 7 are selected just like with texas holdem. There are no community cards.

preflop: 3 cards
flop: 5 cards
turn: 6 cards
river: 7 cards

The rules for this game has not yet been finalized but it is supposed to have the same or similar betting structure as No Limit texas Hold'Em

max players = 7

Pot limit: none


No limit draw poker
You are only allowed one draw, if you discard just one card then your first card option will be public, if you do not want that you will get a second card that will not be public.

After the second betting rounds all remaining player will show 3 cards of their choosing.


5 suit holdem
A fift suit and an additional card can be added so you select 5 cards out of 8 for the following

0. 5 of a kind
1. straight flush
2. 4 of a kind
3. rainbow straight
4. flush
5. full house
6. straight
7. 3 of a kind
8. 2pair
9. pair
10. nothing

A = (1,14)
K = 13
Q = 12
J = 11

3 can be counted as 16 for straight flush or rainbow straight
2 can be counted as 15 for straight flush or rainbow straight.
K can be counted as 0 for straight flush or rainbow straight

It has the disadvantage of requiring a special deck of cards which most people do not have.

Preflop: each player hold 3 cards
flop: 2 community cards are added
turn: 1 community card is added
river: 1 community card is added
spate: 1 community card is added

max players = 20

pot-limit: none

3 of a kind (without full house) as the final hand is actually less common than a straight. The rules as suggested here might not actually be ideal.


6+ Hold'Em
The size of the deck is reduced making it easier to solve in the HU case. It might still be harder to gain an age via solvers in practise due the blind structure making it likely multiple people will see the flop.

Card rankings are (from best to worst):

0. straight flush
1. 4 of a kind
2. flush
3. full house
4. straight
5. 3 of a kind
6. 2pair
7. pair
8. nothing

Max players = 15

pot limit: none


Double pot limit Omaha
It can be played like Pot-limit Omaha except now you will be able to bet up to 2x the pot.

This is supposed to be played with deep stacks (100BB or more).

Max players = 11

Pot limit: 200%


3card Hold'Em
It can be played like No limit texas holdem except you start holding 3 cards and the flop is only 2 cards.

Max players = 16

Pot limit: none

You could have each player reveal one card at the flop if you want to make it easier to figure out what hand someone has, it's unclear if that would make the game better though.


Instead of blinds
You can have a fixed ante only dependent on the number of players, no forced betting to see the flop.

For 10% min-raise (when there is more than 2 people in the post):
Players A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H    I    K    L     M
2       2   4   9  15  25  40  80 200  400  800 1600  4000
3       2   3   6  13  20  30  60 160  300  600 1200  3300
4       2   2   5  10  15  25  50 125  250  500 1000  2500
5       2   2   4   8  12  20  40 100  200  400  800  2000
6       1   2   3   6  10  16  33  80  160  330  660  1600
7       1   2   2   5   8  14  28  70  140  280  540  1400
8       1   2   2   5   8  12  25  60  125  250  500  1250
9       1   1   2   4   6  11  22  50  111  220  440  1111
10      1   1   2   4   6  10  20  50  100  200  400  1000
11          1   1   3   5  10  20  50  100  200  400  1000
12          1   1   3   5  10  20  50  100  200  400  1000
13          1   1   3   4  10  20  50  100  200  400  1000
14          1   1   2   4  10  20  50  100  200  400  1000
15          1   1   2   4  10  20  50  100  200  400  1000
16          1   1   2   3  10  20  50  100  200  400  1000
17          1   1   2   3  10  20  50  100  200  400  1000
18          1   1   2   3  10  20  50  100  200  400  1000
19              1   2   3  10  20  50  100  200  400  1000
20              1   2   3  10  20  50  100  200  400  1000
21              1   2   3  10  20  50  100  200  400  1000
22              1   2   3  10  20  50  100  200  400  1000
23              1   2   3  10  20  50  100  200  400  1000


For 25% min raise:
Players A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H    I
2       2   3   5  10  25  50 100 200  500   
3       2   2   4   8  20  40  80 160  400   
4       1   2   3   6  15  30  60 120  300   
5       1   1   2   4  12  24  48  96  240 
6       1   1   2   4  10  20  40  80  200   
7       1   1   1   3   8  17  34  68  172 
8       1   1   1   3   8  15  30  60  152 
9           1   1   2   6  13  26  52  132 
10          1   1   2   6  12  24  48  124
11          1   1   2   5  10  21  44  116 
12          1   1   2   5  10  20  40  104
13              1   2   4   9  18  36   96
14              1   2   4   8  16  32   90
15              1   2   4   8  16  32   84
16              1   2   4   8  16  32   80
17                      4   8  16  32   80
18                      4   8  16  32   80
19                      4   8  16  32   80
20                      4   8  16  32   80
21                      4   8  16  32   80
22                      4   8  16  32   80
23                      4   8  16  32   80


for 20% min raise:
Players A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H    I    J    K     L     M
2       2   4   5  12  20  40  80 150  250  600 1500  2500  6000
3       1   3   4   9  15  30  60 125  225  500 1250  2250  5000
4       1   2   3   7  12  25  45 100  175  400 1000  1750  4000
5       1   2   3   6  10  20  35  85  150  325  850  1500  3250
6           1   2   5  10  17  30  75  125  300  750  1250  3000
7           1   2   5  10  15  25  70  125  275  700  1250  2750
8           1   1   5  10  15  25  65  125  250  650  1250  2500
9           1   1   5  10  15  25  60  125  250  600  1250  2500
10          1   1   5  10  15  25  55  125  250  550  1250  2500
11              1   5  10  15  25  50  125  250  500  1250  2500
12              1   5  10  15  25  50  125  250  500  1250  2500
13              1   5  10  15  25  50  125  250  500  1250  2500
14              1   5  10  15  25  50  125  250  500  1250  2500
15              1   5  10  15  25  50  125  250  500  1250  2500
16                  5  10  15  25  50  125  250  500  1250  2500
17                  5  10  15  25  50  125  250  500  1250  2500
18                  5  10  15  25  50  125  250  500  1250  2500
19                  5  10  15  25  50  125  250  500  1250  2500
20                  5  10  15  25  50  125  250  500  1250  2500
21                  5  10  15  25  50  125  250  500  1250  2500
22                  5  10  15  25  50  125  250  500  1250  2500
23                  5  10  15  25  50  125  250  500  1250  2500


For 12.5% min raise:
Players A   B   C   D   E   F   G    H
2       2   4   7  10  20  50  80  200   
3       2   4   6   8  18  40  64  160   
4       2   3   5   7  16  30  56  120   
5       1   2   4   6  14  24  48   96
6       1   2   4   6  12  20  44   84   
7       1   2   3   5  10  16  40   72
8       1   2   3   5   9  16  36   64
9           1   2   4   8  16  32   64
10          1   2   4   8  16  32   64
11          1   2   4   8  16  32   64
12          1   2   4   8  16  32   64
13          1   2   4   8  16  32   64
14          1   2   4   8  16  32   64
15          1   2   4   8  16  32   64
16          1   2   4   8  16  32   64
17                      8  16  32   64
18                      8  16  32   64
19                      8  16  32   64
20                      8  16  32   64
21                      8  16  32   64
22                      8  16  32   64
23                      8  16  32   64


This is a card game inspired by chess and the Yu-Gi-Oh anime

In this game you take turns doing one of the following
0. Attacking a card (you can use one or more cards to attack with)
1. Moving a card 1 step in the attack direction
2. Adding a new card to a spot you can move to.

Cards of a a number divisible by 2 can attack horizontally and vertically (2, 4, 6, 8, T, Q, A)
Cards of a a number divisible by 3 can attack diagonally (3, 6, 9, 12)
Other cards (5, 7, 11, 13) can attack in the exact direction a horse moves in chess.

The defense of a card is 10 times is number (10 for A, 20 for 2,,, 100 for T, 110 for J, 120 for Q, 130 for K).

Notice how A is counted as a 14 for attacks and 1 for defense.

You can only attack a card that is turned up if it's going to be defeated when not re-enforced, if a player accidentally attacks a card that is turned up with insufficient attack power the turn will go back to the same player that will have to do something else instead (any cards which were turned up for the attack will be turned down).


The attack is 8x when hearts is attacking spades, when spades is attacking clubs, when clubs is attacking diamonds, when diamonds is attacking hearts (16 for 2, 24 for 3,,,112 for A).

The attack is 4x when diamonds is attacking spades or when hearts is attacking clubs (or the other way around)

The attack power is 2x when spades is attacking hears, when clubs is attacking spades, when diamonds is attacking clubs, when hearts is attacking diamonds.

The attack is 1x when a color attacks another card of the same color.

You have to turn a card up permanently when you use it to attack.

You take the sum for all attacks against that card and if you reach the defense number for the card of higher the card will be removed unless enforced.

Enforcements will counts as 10x the attacking value and can be done to a card you would be able to attack with 8x if it was a card of your opponent. This can only be done (once) by a card that is turned down (by turning it up). If a card is enforced the attacker is allowed to an an equal number (or more) additional attackers.

The game can be played on a 7x7 board where you win by having a card remain in the goal-zone after the turn ended. You can use the rows furthest from you as the goal zone and begin with 7 cards in what is the goal-zone for your opponent.


All cards are initially placed turned down so your opponent cannot see them. You are free to look at them yourself of course.

Notice here that the cards here do not have a symmetrical picture face down which is an advantage since then you can mark which player the cards belong to. If you don't have a such deck of cards you will have to mark the cards in some other way such as placing something on the cards controlled by a specific player.

You can begin with 5 cards on the hand for each player after discarding 5 or 14 cards (which can be used to indicate the grid of you have none marked out). Before you play you draw a new card from the deck (unless you are opening in which you do not draw any card before making your move).

You can use more than one deck of cards for this (such as each player having their individual deck of cards to reduce the impact of randomness).

You win instantly if you eliminate all cards your opponent has placed out.

If you move a card to get a state of the board that isn't new each player will randomly draw 3 cards from the cards that are no longer in play, if there aren't 6 cards available for that a single card will be randomly selected to be killed (among the cards on the board and one each players hand).


Bid and match
Both players/teams bid for what they score they will get.

In the 2-team mode the player-mode you can have the following

If you were the only one to score your bid (or higher) you get your bid² points, in addition your opponents will have to pay you 13 times what the sum of the bids exceeded the sum of the scores for the players (in the case the sum of the bid was higher than the sum of the scores).

If both teams scored their bid or more the team who got closest will get (their bid)² points, if both teams got equally close the team who had the highest bid will score (the difference between the bids)² points.

The game is played by 4 hands which can be controlled by humans or be a public hand controlled by the player at the opposite side. The game starts out with the winner of the bidding war playing a card. If the game is only played with 2 players then each public hand will begin with 6 cards being visable (so they can be played) with 7 cards being hidden with each visible hand blocking 2 hidden cards from being played or seen.

You score 1 point for your team by playing the highest card for that round (2 for the final round if no Trump color was chosen). The succeeding hands have to respond by playing a card of the same color as the original card (if they have any card of that color) otherwise any other color can be played which will count as lower unless it's a card of the trump color.

A public hand can be 6 up-face cards laying on 7 cards faced down with each up-face card laying on 2 down-face cards blocking them from being played or turned up until the card or cards above it is played.

The hand that won the round will play the next card.

For the mathematically illiterate:
Bid  bid²
26   676
25   625
24   576
23   529
22   484
21   441
20   400
19   361
18   324
17   289
16   256
15   225
14   196
13   169
12   144
11   121
10   100
9    81
8    64
7    49
6    36
5    25
4    16
3    9
2    4
1    1
0    0
The bidding war
The bidding war starts by a player announcing a bid and choosing a Trump color. Players after that then all also have to place bids. If your bid is higher than previous bids you can change the trump color (you don't have to) or change to no trump. This continues until all players have made a bid for the color, you only have to place a bid if your team doesn't already have a bid for that color (such as 4 when spades is Trump) and you cannot lower a bid placed for a particular color.

Scoring for more than 2 teams
Of the teams who scored their bid or higher the team who got closest will get (their bid)² points. If they got equally close the team with the highest bid will get (the difference between the bids)² when comparing the 2 highest bids who got the closest.

In addition the team who got furthest from their bid will have to pay a fine of 6 times the difference in how close the got to the player who got the closest (when the highest possible score is 18 to 20).

Examples for 3 teams
       bid  score   points
team0  10   10      6²+3=39
team1  4    4       3
team2  4    3       -6
Here because team0 and team1 got equally close they shared the penalty points team2 got (only getting 3 each).
       bid  score  points
team0  10   9      6
team1  4    6      16-3=13
team2  4    2      -3
Here team1 and team2 shared the -6 penalty points (each getting -3).

The general rule is that the penalty factor is set to the max score divided by the number of teams rounded down to the next integer.

Penalty factor table:
Max Score  3teams 4teams 5teams 6teams 7teams 8teams 9teams 10teams 11teams
26         8      6      5      4      3      3      2      2       2
25         8      6      5      4      3      3      2      2       2
24         8      6      4      4      3      3      2      2       2
23         7      5      4      3      3      2      2      2       2
22         7      5      4      3      3      2      2      2       2
21         7      5      4      3      3      2      2      2       1
20         6      5      4      3      2      2      2      2       1
19         6      4      3      3      2      2      2      1       1
18         6      4      3      3      2      2      2      1       1
17         5      4      3      2      2      2      1      1       1
16         5      4      3      2      2      2      1      1       1
15         5      3      3      2      2      1      1      1       1
14         4      3      2      2      2      1      1      1       1
13         4      3      2      2      1      1      1      1       1
12         4      3      2      2      1      1      1      1       1
11         3      2      2      1      1      1      1      1       1
10         3      2      2      1      1      1      1      1       0
9          3      2      1      1      1      1      1      0       0
8          2      2      1      1      1      1      0      0       0
7          2      1      1      1      1      0      0      0       0
6          2      1      1      1      0      0      0      0       0
5          1      1      1      0      0      0      0      0       0
4          1      1      0      0      0      0      0      0       0
3          1      0      0      0      0      0      0      0       0
2          0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0       0
1          0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0       0
When penalty points are given (reward of punishment) is always rounded down if it ends up not being an integer.

The max score is 1 more than the number of cards a hand starts with.

Example (4 teams, max score = 14)
       bid  score   points
team0  8    8       64+3=67
team1  2    1       -1
team2  3    2       -1
team3  4    3       -1
Example (4 teams, max score = 14)
       bid  score   points
team0  7    7       4*4+1=17
team1  2    1       -2
team2  3    3        1
team3  4    3       -2
Here the score was rounded down from -3/2 to -2 for team1 and team3 while it was rounded down from 3/2 to 1 for team2 and 16+3/2 to 17 for team0.

Example (5 teams, max score = 11)
       bid  score   points
team0  0    0       0²+4=4
team1  2    0       -2
team2  3    4        0
team3  0    2       -2
Team4  5    4       0
As we see the score was rounded down here from -4/3 to -2 (team1, team3).

Using more than one deck
You can increase the number of cards per hand by adding a second deck of cards. Then if the same highest card is played more than once the first hand to play it will win the round.

Example (5 teams, max score = 21)
       bid  score  points
team0  10   6      -6
team1  4    8      -6
team2  5    3      0
team3  3    1      0
team4  2    0      0
team5  1    2      1+12=13
Example (3 teams, 6 hands, max score = 18)
       bid  score  points
team0  10   4      -30
team1  10   5      0
team2  10   9      30
Here the total score is 18 since no trump color was chosen by the winner of the bidding war.


Staff member
Nice advices. I only played magic, but I could try one of the games you listed/
These are great games to play IRL, you cannot play most of these online afaik.

8 card poker and no limit draw are the ones like the most by people i know it seems, both invented by me.


This is a causal bluff game where each player starts with 10 cards and then each player take curn drawing a card from the deck (if there is any left) and then playing a card xor passing to the next player. You win if you have no cards left on your hand and nobody called that final bluff you did (or if you weren't bluffing in the first place).

You play card(s) by placing them face down (so other people don't see what you played) and then you will claim that what you placed s card in the same color and with at least the same number as the previously played card, you can also follow by the next higher card in the same color. If no card was played before (or if all players passed after you played your last card) you can start at any card you like.

Example: if 9 of spades is played you need to play a spade that is 9 or higher such as 9,T,J of spades.

If you think someone is bluffing you can turn up the cards, if it was a bluff the bluffer has to take up all the cards in the pile (that was played earlier) and it will be your turn next. If you call but it isn't a bluff the turn will go back to the player who played the card(s) you were calling.

Not all cards are used, you separate out 5 to 20 cards (that remain hidden).


yugioh monster duel and rush duel
The big issue with games like yugioh and a lot of other battle card games is that it requires a special card-deck which most people will not have.

That's why it's better to invent some battle game that can be played on a standard deck.

This is more like blackjack though. Cardchess is an actual battle-game.


Cardchess2 special powers
This is a card game inspired by chess and the Yu-Gi-Oh anime.

In this game you take turns doing one of the following
0. Attacking a card (you can use one or more cards to attack with)
1. Moving one card 1 step in the attack direction
2. Adding a new card to a spot you can move to.

When attacking a card you can can use multiple cards at once.

Cards of a a number divisible by 2 can attack horizontally and vertically (2, 4, 6, 8, T, Q, A)
Cards of a a number divisible by 3 can attack diagonally (3, 6, 9, 12)
Other cards (5, 7, 11, 13) can attack in the exact direction a horse moves in chess.

The defense of a card is 10 times is number (10 for A, 20 for 2,,, 100 for T, 110 for J, 120 for Q, 130 for K).

Notice how A is counted as a 14 for attacks and 1 for defense.

You can only attack a card that is turned up if it's going to be defeated when not re-enforced, if a player accidentally attacks a card that is turned up with insufficient attack power the turn will go back to the same player that will have to do something else instead (any cards which were turned up for the attack will be turned down).

The attack is 8x when hearts is attacking spades, when spades is attacking clubs, when clubs is attacking diamonds, when diamonds is attacking hearts (16 for 2, 24 for 3,,,112 for A).

The attack is 4x when diamonds is attacking spades or when hearts is attacking clubs (or the other way around)

The attack power is 2x when spades is attacking hears, when clubs is attacking spades, when diamonds is attacking clubs, when hearts is attacking diamonds.

The attack is 1x when a color attacks another card of the same color.

You have to turn a card up permanently when you use it to attack.

You take the sum for all attacks against that card and if you reach the defense number for the card of higher the card will be removed unless enforced.

Enforcements will counts as 10x the attacking value and can be used regardless of color. This can only be done (once) by a card that is turned down (by turning it up). If a card is enforced the attacker is allowed to an an equal number (or more) additional attackers.

The game can be played on a 7x7 board where you win by having a card remain in the goal-zone after the turn ended. You can use the rows furthest from you as the goal zone and begin with 7 cards in what is the goal-zone for your opponent.

All cards are initially placed turned down so your opponent cannot see them. You are free to look at them yourself of course.

Notice here that the cards here do not have a symmetrical picture face down which is an advantage since then you can mark which player the cards belong to. If you don't have a such deck of cards you will have to mark the cards in some other way such as placing something on the cards controlled by a specific player.

You can begin with 5 cards on the hand for each player after discarding 5 or 14 cards (which can be used to indicate the grid of you have none marked out). Before you play you draw a new card from the deck (unless you are opening in which you do not draw any card before making your move).

You can use more than one deck of cards for this (such as each player having their individual deck of cards to reduce the impact of randomness).

You win instantly if you eliminate all cards your opponent has placed out.

If you move a card to get a state of the board that isn't new each player will randomly draw 3 cards from the cards that are no longer in play, if there aren't 6 cards available for that a single card will be randomly selected to be killed (among the cards on the board and one each players hand).

Special powers
has the attack power 20 for adjacent squares.
3 has the attack power 15 for adjacent squares.
4 can also jump 2 steps horizontally or vertically.
5 can also move 1 step horizontally or vertically.
2 to 8 will move before attacking if turned down.


Cardchess3 tower-stacking
This is a card game inspired by chess and the Yu-Gi-Oh anime.

In this game you take turns doing one of the following
0. Attacking a card (you can use one or more cards to attack with)
1. Moving one card 1 step in the attack direction
2. Adding a new card (from your hand) to a spot you can move to.
3. Adding a card to an existing card/monster to create a new fusion monster (if said cards can be combined).

When attacking a card you can can use multiple cards at once.

Cards of a a number divisible by 2 can attack horizontally and vertically (2, 4, 6, 8, T, Q, A)
Cards of a a number divisible by 3 can attack diagonally (3, 6, 9, 12)
Other cards (5, 7, 11, 13) can attack in the exact direction a horse moves in chess.

The defense of a card is 10 times is number (10 for A, 20 for 2,,, 100 for T, 110 for J, 120 for Q, 130 for K).

Notice how A is counted as a 14 for attacks and 1 for defense.

You can only attack a card that is turned up if it's going to be defeated when not re-enforced, if a player accidentally attacks a card that is turned up with insufficient attack power the turn will go back to the same player that will have to do something else instead (any cards which were turned up for the attack will be turned down).

The attack is 8x when hearts is attacking spades, when spades is attacking clubs, when clubs is attacking diamonds, when diamonds is attacking hearts (16 for 2, 24 for 3,,,112 for A).

The attack is 4x when diamonds is attacking spades or when hearts is attacking clubs (or the other way around)

The attack power is 2x when spades is attacking hears, when clubs is attacking spades, when diamonds is attacking clubs, when hearts is attacking diamonds.

The attack is 1x when a color attacks another card of the same color.

You have to turn a card up permanently when you use it to attack.

You take the sum for all attacks against that card and if you reach the defense number for the card of higher the card will be removed unless enforced.

Enforcements will counts as 10x the attacking value and can be done to a card you would be able to attack with 8x if it was a card of your opponent. This can only be done (once) by a card that is turned down (by turning it up). If a card is enforced the attacker is allowed to an an equal number (or more) additional attackers.

The game can be played on a 7x7 board where you win by having a card remain in the goal-zone after the turn ended. You can use the rows furthest from you as the goal zone and begin with 7 cards in what is the goal-zone for your opponent.

All cards are initially placed turned down so your opponent cannot see them. You are free to look at them yourself of course.

Notice here that the cards here do not have a symmetrical picture face down which is an advantage since then you can mark which player the cards belong to. If you don't have a such deck of cards you will have to mark the cards in some other way such as placing something on the cards controlled by a specific player.

You can begin with 5 cards on the hand for each player after discarding 5 or 14 cards (which can be used to indicate the grid of you have none marked out). Before you play you draw a new card from the deck (unless you are opening in which you do not draw any card before making your move).

You can use more than one deck of cards for this (such as each player having their individual deck of cards to reduce the impact of randomness).

You win instantly if you eliminate all cards your opponent has placed out.

If you move a card to get a state of the board that isn't new each player will randomly draw 3 cards from the cards that are no longer in play, if there aren't 6 cards available for that a single card will be randomly selected to be killed (among the cards on the board and one each players hand).

Combining cards
You can add a fusion-monster directly from your hand or create it by moving more than one card to the same location.

When attacking with a fusion-monster you use the card that can reach your opponents card with it's attack.

When a fusion-monster is attacked all the cards in will face the attack based on the attack value so an attack might be partially successful. If more than one card of the fusion-monster have the same color they can be enforced simultaneously (such a a clubs card enforcing a diamonds card).

2 cards fused together will both get 4 extra attack and defense.

3 cards fused together all get 8 extra attack and defense.

When moving a fusion-monster you can decide which card to utilize for the movement and then any card stacked on top will move with it.

The total number of possible fusion monsters is 16960

Special powers
has the attack power 20 for adjacent squares.
3 has the attack power 15 for adjacent squares.
4 can also jump 2 steps horizontally or vertically.
5 can also move 1 step horizontally.
6,7,8 will be move before attacking if turned down.


Cardchess4 fusion
This is a card game inspired by chess and the Yu-Gi-Oh anime.

In this game you take turns doing one of the following
0. Attacking a card (you can use one or more cards to attack with)
1. Moving one card 1 step in the attack direction
2. Adding a new card (from your hand) to a spot you can move to.
3. Adding a fusion monster (from your hand) to a spot you can move to.

When attacking a card you can can use multiple cards at once.

Cards of a a number divisible by 2 can attack horizontally and vertically (2, 4, 6, 8, T, Q, A)
Cards of a a number divisible by 3 can attack diagonally (3, 6, 9, 12)
Other cards (5, 7, 11, 13) can attack in the exact direction a horse moves in chess.

The defense of a card is 10 times is number (10 for A, 20 for 2,,, 100 for T, 110 for J, 120 for Q, 130 for K).

Notice how A is counted as a 14 for attacks and 1 for defense.

You can only attack a card that is turned up if it's going to be defeated when not re-enforced, if a player accidentally attacks a card that is turned up with insufficient attack power the turn will go back to the same player that will have to do something else instead (any cards which were turned up for the attack will be turned down).

The attack is 8x when hearts is attacking spades, when spades is attacking clubs, when clubs is attacking diamonds, when diamonds is attacking hearts (16 for 2, 24 for 3,,,112 for A).

The attack is 4x when diamonds is attacking spades or when hearts is attacking clubs (or the other way around)

The attack power is 2x when spades is attacking hears, when clubs is attacking spades, when diamonds is attacking clubs, when hearts is attacking diamonds.

The attack is 1x when a color attacks another card of the same color.

You have to turn a card up permanently when you use it to attack.

You take the sum for all attacks against that card and if you reach the defense number for the card of higher the card will be removed unless enforced.

Enforcements will counts as 10x the attacking value and can be done to a card you would be able to attack with 8x if it was a card of your opponent. This can only be done (once) by a card that is turned down (by turning it up). If a card is enforced the attacker is allowed to an an equal number (or more) additional attackers.

The game can be played on a 7x7 board where you win by having a card remain in the goal-zone after the turn ended. You can use the rows furthest from you as the goal zone and begin with 7 cards in what is the goal-zone for your opponent.

It's recommended to have each player use their own deck and have each deck look different.

All cards are initially placed turned down so your opponent cannot see them. You are free to look at them yourself of course.

You can begin with 7 cards on the hand for each player. Before you play you draw a new card from the deck (unless you are opening in which you do not draw any card before making your move).

You can use more than one deck of cards for this (such as each player having their individual deck of cards to reduce the impact of randomness).

You win instantly if you eliminate all cards your opponent has placed out.

If you move a card to get a state of the board that isn't new each player will randomly draw 3 cards from the cards that are no longer in play, if there aren't 6 cards available for that a single card will be randomly selected to be killed (among the cards on the board and each players hand).

Combining cards
You can add a fusion-monster directly from your hand or create it by moving more than one card to the same location.

When attacking with a fusion-monster you use the card that can reach your opponents card with it's attack.

When a fusion-monster is attacked all the cards in will face the attack based on the attack value so an attack might be partially successful. If more than one card of the fusion-monster have the same color they can be enforced simultaneously (such a a clubs card enforcing a diamonds card).

2 cards fused together grants 3 more attack and defense for all cards in the fusion-monster (doesn't affect movements).
3 cards fused together grants 6 more attack and defense for all cards in the fusion-monster.
3 cards of the same color fused together grants 6 more in attack if all cards of the fusion-monster are turned up after the attack.

The cards are stacked based on defense where the card with the most defense will be at the bottom and determine how the fusion-monster moves.

The total number of possible fusion monsters is 3360

Special powers
has the attack power 20 for adjacent squares.
3 has the attack power 15 for adjacent squares.
4 can also jump 2 steps horizontally or vertically (applies to all fusion-monsters containing a 4).
5 can also move 1 step vertically (also applies to fusion monster with 9 and 5), if the fusion monster includes an even card this special power grants moving one additional step forward.
2 to 8 when turned down cannot attack but it can be turned up for an attack after movement.


Cardchess5 movement fusion
This is a card game inspired by chess and the Yu-Gi-Oh anime.

In this game you take turns doing one of the following
0. Attacking a card (you can use one or more cards to attack with)
1. Moving one card 1 step in the attack direction
2. Adding a new card (from your hand) to a spot you can move to.
3. Adding a fusion monster (from your hand) to a spot you can move to.

When attacking a card you can can use multiple cards at once.

Cards of a a number divisible by 2 can attack horizontally and vertically (2, 4, 6, 8, T, Q, A)
Cards of a a number divisible by 3 can attack diagonally (3, 6, 9, 12)
Other cards (5, 7, 11, 13) can attack in the exact direction a horse moves in chess.

The defense of a card is 10 times is number (10 for A, 20 for 2,,, 100 for T, 110 for J, 120 for Q, 130 for K).

Notice how A is counted as a 14 for attacks and 1 for defense.

You can only attack a card that is turned up if it's going to be defeated when not re-enforced, if a player accidentally attacks a card that is turned up with insufficient attack power the turn will go back to the same player that will have to do something else instead (any cards which were turned up for the attack will be turned down).

The attack is 8x when hearts is attacking spades, when spades is attacking clubs, when clubs is attacking diamonds, when diamonds is attacking hearts (16 for 2, 24 for 3,,,112 for A).

The attack is 4x when diamonds is attacking spades or when hearts is attacking clubs (or the other way around)

The attack power is 2x when spades is attacking hears, when clubs is attacking spades, when diamonds is attacking clubs, when hearts is attacking diamonds.

The attack is 1x when a color attacks another card of the same color.

You have to turn a card up permanently when you use it to attack.

You take the sum for all attacks against that card and if you reach the defense number for the card of higher the card will be removed unless enforced.

Enforcements will counts as 10x the attacking value and can be done to a card you would be able to attack with 8x if it was a card of your opponent. This can only be done (once) by a card that is turned down (by turning it up). If a card is enforced the attacker is allowed to an an equal number (or more) additional attackers.

The game can be played on a 7x7 board where you win by having a card remain in the goal-zone after the turn ended. You can use the rows furthest from you as the goal zone and begin with 7 cards in what is the goal-zone for your opponent.


It's recommended to have each player use their own deck and have each deck look different.

All cards are initially placed turned down so your opponent cannot see them. You are free to look at them yourself of course.

You can begin with 7 cards on the hand for each player. Before you play you draw a new card from the deck (unless you are opening in which you do not draw any card before making your move).

You can use more than one deck of cards for this (such as each player having their individual deck of cards to reduce the impact of randomness).

You win instantly if you eliminate all cards your opponent has placed out.

If you move a card to get a state of the board that isn't new each player will randomly draw 3 cards from the cards that are no longer in play, if there aren't 6 cards available for that a single card will be randomly selected to be killed (among the cards on the board and each players hand).

Combining cards
You can add a fusion-monster directly from your hand or create it by moving more than one card to the same location.

When attacking with a fusion-monster you use the card that can reach your opponents card with it's attack.

When a fusion-monster is attacked all the cards in will face the attack based on the attack value so an attack might be partially successful. If more than one card of the fusion-monster have the same color they can be enforced simultaneously (such a a clubs card enforcing a diamonds card).

2 cards fused together will both get 2 extra attack and defense.

3 cards fused together all get 4 extra attack and defense.

When moving a fusion-monster you can decide which card to utilize for the movement and then all cards will move with it. You cannot undo fusions and the order in which you stack doesn't matter.

The total number of possible fusion monsters is 3360

Special powers
has the attack power 20 for adjacent squares.
3 has the attack power 15 for adjacent squares.
4 can also jump 2 steps horizontally or vertically.
5 can also move to a location occupied by an opponent card/monster if an available space exist in moving 1 step in the same direction (forcefully moving the opponent card/fusionmonster).
2 to 8 will move before attacking if turned down. If it's part of a fusion monster you can turn it up to move and then attack with some other card that is part of the fusion monster. Note it cannot attack without first moving.


Cardchess6 full fusion
This is a card game inspired by chess and the Yu-Gi-Oh anime.

In this game you take turns doing one of the following
0. Attacking a card (you can use one or more cards to attack with)
1. Moving one card 1 step in the attack direction
2. Adding a new card (from your hand) to a spot you can move to.
3. Adding a fusion monster (from your hand) to a spot you can move to.

When attacking a card you can can use multiple cards at once.

Cards of a a number divisible by 2 can attack horizontally and vertically (2, 4, 6, 8, T, Q, A)
Cards of a a number divisible by 3 can attack diagonally (3, 6, 9, 12)
Other cards (5, 7, 11, 13) can attack in the exact direction a horse moves in chess.

The defense of a card is 10 times is number (10 for A, 20 for 2,,, 100 for T, 110 for J, 120 for Q, 130 for K).

Notice how A is counted as a 14 for attacks and 1 for defense.

You can only attack a card that is turned up if it's going to be defeated when not re-enforced, if a player accidentally attacks a card that is turned up with insufficient attack power the turn will go back to the same player that will have to do something else instead (any cards which were turned up for the attack will be turned down).

The attack is 8x when hearts is attacking spades, when spades is attacking clubs, when clubs is attacking diamonds, when diamonds is attacking hearts (16 for 2, 24 for 3,,,112 for A).

The attack is 4x when diamonds is attacking spades or when hearts is attacking clubs (or the other way around)

The attack power is 2x when spades is attacking hears, when clubs is attacking spades, when diamonds is attacking clubs, when hearts is attacking diamonds.

The attack is 1x when a color attacks another card of the same color.

You have to turn a card up permanently when you use it to attack.

You take the sum for all attacks against that card and if you reach the defense number for the card of higher the card will be removed unless enforced.

Enforcements will counts as 10x the attacking value and can be done to a card you would be able to attack with 8x if it was a card of your opponent. This can only be done (once) by a card that is turned down (by turning it up). If a card is enforced the attacker is allowed to an an equal number (or more) additional attackers.

The game can be played on a 7x7 board where you win by having a card remain in the goal-zone after the turn ended. You can use the rows furthest from you as the goal zone and begin with 7 cards in what is the goal-zone for your opponent.

It's recommended to have each player use their own deck and have each deck look different.

All cards are initially placed turned down so your opponent cannot see them. You are free to look at them yourself of course.

You can begin with 7 cards on the hand for each player. Before you play you draw a new card from the deck (unless you are opening in which you do not draw any card before making your move).

You can use more than one deck of cards for this (such as each player having their individual deck of cards to reduce the impact of randomness).

You win instantly if you eliminate all cards your opponent has placed out.

If you move a card to get a state of the board that isn't new each player will randomly draw 3 cards from the cards that are no longer in play, if there aren't 6 cards available for that a single card will be randomly selected to be killed (among the cards on the board and each players hand).

Combining cards
You can add a fusion-monster directly from your hand or create it by moving more than one card to the same location.

When attacking with a fusion-monster you use the card that can reach your opponents card with it's attack.

When a fusion-monster is attacked all the cards in will face the attack based on the attack value so an attack might be partially successful. If more than one card of the fusion-monster have the same color they can be enforced simultaneously (such a a clubs card enforcing a diamonds card).

2 cards fused together grants 3 more attack and defense for all cards in the fusion-monster (doesn't affect movements).
3 cards fused together grants 6 more attack and defense for all cards in the fusion-monster.
3 cards of the same color fused together grants 6 more in attack if all cards of the fusion-monster are turned up after the attack.

The cards are stacked based on defense where the card with the most defense will be at the bottom and determine how the fusion-monster moves.

Full fusion
You can combine single cards of (of 3 different colors) into a forth card who will get the color that none of the original cards had in addition to gaining 12 attack and 6 defense.

The total number of possible fusion monsters is 25012

Special powers
has the attack power 20 for adjacent squares.
3 has the attack power 15 for adjacent squares.
4 can also jump 2 steps horizontally or vertically (applies to all fusion-monsters containing a 4).
5 can also move 1 step vertically (also applies to fusion monster with 9 and 5), if the fusion monster includes an even card this special power grants moving one additional step forward.
2 to 8 when turned down cannot attack but it can be turned up for an attack after movement.